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story a male which falling in love with a female

Please see below story. (Harap lihat cerita di bawah.)
"A Typically Graphical Love Story" (Satu Secara Khas Cerita Cinta Grafis)

when a boy meets a girl... (ketika seorang laki-laki menemui seorang perempuan)

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   boy and girl fall in love...

          /:""|  .@@@@@,
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          (____)) /_/YY

   boy and girl "tie the knot..."

          /:""|  .****,
   (\/)  |:`66|_ @@@@@\ `,
    \/   C`    _)aa`@@@\  \
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   boy and girl are soon to become parents...
   (boy goes off to work)

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        C`    _)     aa`@@@@@@
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         (____))      /_/YY

   boy and girl and baby make three...
   and another on the way...
   (boy loses hair, girl gains fuzzy slippers)

         /:""|       .@@@@@,
        |:`66|_      @@@@@@@@,
        C     _)     aa`@@@@@@
         \ ._|      (_   ?@@@@
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         |_||__      __|_||      ||_____||
         (____))    (:;:;))      ||-----||

   boy and girl and their 2.4 children...
   (boy loses more hair- still working
   girl still in fuzzy slippers)

         /:""|       .@@@@@,
        |: 66|_      @@@@@@@@,
        C     _)     aa`@@@@@@
         \ ._|      (_   ?@@@@
          ) /        =' @@@@"
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        || |Y|       //`\        ."~~~~~".
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         |_||__      __|_||      ||_____||       _|||
         (____))    (:;:;))      ||-----||      (___))

   boy and girl and their growing family...
   (boy loses more hair, gains paunch...
   girl becomes more "shapely")

         /:`"|       .@@@@@,
        |: 66|_      @@@@@@@@,
        C     _)     aa`@@@@@@
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         |_||__      ||__|       ||_____||       _||_|      _||_|
         (____))   ((____)       ||-----||      ((___)     ((___)

        boy and girl have grown children
        and have earned that "middle-age spread"
        (boy loses even more hair, gains more weight
        girls gets even more "shapelier"...
        and they're still in love!)

         /```|      .@@@@@,         ,,,,       66 :::|
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         |_||__       ||__|         //^)      __||_|     _||_|
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   boy and girl alone again...

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   .... and they lived happily ever after!

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown ~Materi Pendidikan

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Blog, Updated at: 16.06

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